Cennette Ölüm Orj. Death in ParadiseRobert Thorogood tarafından yaratılan bir İngiliz-Fransız suç komedi dramasıdır [ 1 ] Dizi, kurgusal Karayip adası Saint Marie 'de Guadeloupe 'da çekildi [ 2 ] geçer ve Birleşik Krallık 'tan bir dedektif müfettişi DI ile onun adadaki gizemleri çözen polis ekibine odaklanır. İkincil baş karakter, bir kadın dedektif çavuş DS 'tir. Hem Jobert'in hem de Jackson'ın karakterleri, DS'lere terfi etmeden önce başlangıçta sadece çavuştu. Her ikisi de dizinin başlangıcından bu yana neredeyse her bölümde yer almıştır. O zamandan beri, Cennette Ölüm her yıl yeniden devreye alınmıştır. Sezon12'nin sona ermesinin ardından, iki Noel özel etkinliğinin yanı sıra iki sezon daha duyuruldu. Komiser Selwyn Patterson, Birleşik Krallık'tan bir memurun Charlie'nin ölümünü araştırmasını talep eder, bu nedenle donuk Dedektif Richard Poole, gizemi çözmek için isteksizce Saint Marie'ye uçar. Richard, Charlie'nin Sarah Lavender ile ilişkisi olduğunu öğrenir ve bu da James'e cinayet için bir neden sağlar. Richard davayı çözdüğüne inanır, ancak daha sonra James de öldürülünce, bu durum Richard'ı davayı daha derinlemesine incelemeye, Charlie'nin öldüğü gün evde görülen gizemli kadını aramaya ve aynı zamanda şu soruyu düşünmeye zorlar: Nasıl olur da kilitli bir odada birisi öldürülür? Evlendikten birkaç dakika sonra, anahtarı olmayan bir odada, zıpkınla kalbinden vurulan gelin, balkondan aşağı yuvarlanır. Richard, gelinin ölmesini kimin isteyeceğini bulmak için yeni çavuş Camille ile iş birliği yapar; kutlamalar sırasında otel odasına kimsenin girmediğini veya çıkmadığını öğrenir ve bu da onu parti misafirlerinden birinin katil olması gerektiğine inandırır. Ancak hiçbirinin öldürmek için somut bir nedeni yok gibi görünmektedir ve yeni High Stakes Poker Season 7 Episode 5 kocası dışında hepsinin mazeretleri vardır. Hizmetçi de boğulmuş halde bulunduktan sonra Richard, tüm bunlara temizlik devam ediyor işaretinin neden olup olmadığını merak eder. Richard investigates the death of June, who was strangled in her rented villa. The main suspects are Doug June's husband and an old colleague of Richard's, whom he dislikes, from the UKJanice June's sister, who is the sole beneficiary of June's will and cleaner Estelle. Richard learns Estelle is trying to sell June's stolen jewellery, but she has no real motive to kill June. When Janice recalls seeing one of the villa's owners leaving the crime scene, Richard begins to question whether June's murder is linked to a historical case back in the UK. Camille, Dwayne ve Fidel, Richard'ı üniversite buluşmasından kurtarmak konusunda şakalaşırken, toplantı üyelerinden biri onu buz kıracağıyla bıçaklanarak öldürülmüş halde bulur. Dedektif Humphrey Goodman vakayı çözmek için İngiltere'den gelir, ancak ekip onu tuhaf bulurken, herkes, özellikle de Camille, Richard'ı özler. Vakanın ekip için hassas olduğu ortaya çıkınca Humphrey soruşturmanın başına geçer. Baş şüphelilerden biri olan Roger Sadler'ın Richard'a 25 yıldan fazla bir süredir kin beslediğini öğrenir, ancak Humphrey Roger'ı sorguladığında Richard'ı onun öldürdüğüne inanma nedenleri azalır. Humphrey, Richard ve arkadaşlarının eski fotoğraflarına baktıktan sonra olayı başarıyla çözer. Ekip Humphrey'den memnundur, ancak karısı Birleşik Krallık'tan onu arayıp onu terk ettiğini söylediğinde Humphrey'in de kalbi kırılır. Emma Redding is found dead in her own room at a local retirement home; her death thought to have been suicide. However, with Emma's friends and fiancé all saying that Emma had a lot to look forward to in her life, Humphrey begins to suspect that she was actually High Stakes Poker Season 7 Episode 5. Whilst investigating Emma's murder, Humphrey is given a distraction, as his wife arrives on the island seeking a reconciliation. Humphrey decides he is happier living in Saint Marie, and once successfully solving Emma's death, confides in Fidel about his growing feelings for Camille. Adanın Fete Mouri festivali sırasında, 'de öldürülen bir hizmetçiyle bağlantı kurmak amacıyla bir seans düzenlenir. Ancak kapı kapalıyken ve tüm katılımcılar el ele tutuşurken rom imalathanesinin sahibi öldürülür. Katılımcılar, hizmetçinin hayaletinin öldürmek için geri döndüğüne inanırlar, ancak Humphrey öyle değildir ve sahibinin ölümü için alternatif bir açıklama aramaya başlar. Komiser Patterson, Fidel'in Saint Marie'den ayrılmasının ardından ekibe yardım etmek için devreye girer. Komiser Patterson ayrıca Çavuş Florence Cassell'i de tanıtıyor. Humphrey is called to a hotel when a bride is found dead in her room the morning after her hen party. The team quickly establish that the bride knew her murderer, as she willingly let them into her room before she was killed. Usefully, some 8-hour candles apparently denote the time of death. Camille ponders her future in Saint Marie when she is offered a permanent job in Paris. Humphrey decides to tell Camille how he truly feels about her in an attempt to dissuade her from leaving the island, High Stakes Poker Season 7 Episode 5 despite this, Camille ultimately decides it is time to move away to Paris. With Camille gone, Florence is promoted to Detective Sergeant. The lead singer of a pop group is electrocuted when a lighting rig falls in a swimming pool, and while all the suspects were in the studio at the time of the murder, they also held a grudge against the victim, who burned down a record producer's studio over 20 years ago. As Humphrey continues to search for the evidence to pinpoint the killer, he comes across a click beetle which is not native to the island, helping him solve the case.
Concert Pianist Pasha Verdinikov is shot dead, while composing in his piano room. Ellerinde karmaşık bir dava ve her iki suçun da nedenini gösteren çok az kanıt varken Neville'in kafası karışmıştır; Annesi Melanie'nin Doon Mackichan gelişi işleri daha da karmaşık hale getirir. The only suspects are the victim's adopted daughter, her former PA and a "long lost cousin", Eloise Mirie Juliet Cowan , who turns out to be a corrupt Flying Squad detective - but none appear to have had the opportunity to commit the crime. Humphrey also learns that Arnold was searching poisons up online. Neville and Sophie resume their romance when she returns to the island to live with him for a month, but when they arrive at the Shack they find there has been an intruder.
metehanozguurru · Unaware of her new school's ways, transfer student Yumeko Jabami is offered a high-stakes game of rock-paper-scissors against her classmate, Mary. Cennette Ölüm (Orj. coates, and crowe plays jake, a tech billionaire who gathers his childhood friends to his miami estate for what turns into a. The Life and Times of Tim Season 2 Episode 5 [Full Episode]. Death in Paradise), Robert Thorogood tarafından yaratılan bir İngiliz-Fransız suç komedi dramasıdır Dizi, kurgusal Karayip adası Saint. the film is scripted by stephen m. Fazal · High Stakes Poker - Se7 - Ep01 HD Watch.Sezon 5. Parker and the team have to determine how Marsden ended up on the beach when his dinghy was inoperable and GPS confirmed his boat had never moved. When Lena is interviewed in the presence of her godfather, Marlon, by Humphrey and Camille, it is revealed that Marlon is Camille's father, who deserted her when she was six. Desperate to regain her status in the school hierarchy, Mary duels student board member Yuriko in a game of "life or death" as Yumeko looks on. Unaware of her new school's ways, transfer student Yumeko Jabami is offered a high-stakes game of rock-paper-scissors against her classmate, Mary. The high school open house puts the parents in a bit of a time warp when Claire finds herself stressed out by all the pressure, Gloria encounters a "mean girl" mom and Jay teaches Phil how to play a little hookie. Cam, having lost his music teacher job due to budget cuts, is now substitute teaching at the high school. Despite this, Humphrey fails to comprehend how the murderer was able to get away with killing the victim, as JP and Dwayne were both guarding the cell at the time of the murder. DI Parker, o sırada canlı yayında kızıyla röportaj yapan ortak sunucu Garfield Tourné'nin sorumlu olduğuna inanır. Ayana is a famous singer and former drug addict, now clean and in rehab. Season 10 9. However, candidate Victor Pearce is murdered in one of the polling booths. Victor's son is soon also brought into the investigation when the team learn that son Kemar was his heir. Saint Marie Heritage Society celebrate the island's history with a meal, but all the guests end up with food poisoning. Phil is all in on project hatch-the-duck-eggs, even building a whole habitat for them — no one else is as enthused about this project and Lily is the only one suckered into helping him. After FaceTiming with Phil and the rest of the family to help track her down, Claire quickly turns to online snooping which inevitably becomes disturbing real quick and everyone gets sucked into the online drama. Phil and Claire are feeling a little snubbed by their kids when Alex intentionally gives them the wrong college move in date to avoid making it a big deal, and Luke seems less than eager to spend the day with Phil at his open house and would rather go hang out with some guys from school. Gabriel Taylor ıssız bir yerde bir telefon kulübesinin yanında bıçaklanmış halde ölü bulunur. JP arrives with the friend's husband only to find out that the body has disappeared. Richard learns that Malcolm fled to Saint Marie from the UK when he defrauded investors in his company and suspects he was blackmailed in the build up to his death. When Neville and the team arrive they find Eve strangled and dumped in the pool, Naomi is able to resuscitate her although she remains unconscious. Sezon12'nin sona ermesinin ardından, iki Noel özel etkinliğinin yanı sıra iki sezon daha duyuruldu. Following the launch of his new restaurant, Robert Holt is stabbed to death. The murderer is revealed to be Charlie Banks, who passed a cup of coffee with cyanide down to Martin in a blind spot of the camera Banks installed. His suspicions are soon confirmed when he learns that all of the suspects had various motives. Marlon tells Neville to 'nuke' his blog, but just as Neville is about to press delete, he gets his first like and comment from SunsetChaser , who Neville starts to talk to over social media. With Camille gone, Florence is promoted to Detective Sergeant. Perhaps not, but he might one day loosen his tie. No one else knew Martin was going to the bunker, and the camera did not show anyone entering until the team arrived, so suicide was a prevailing theory. Marlon, who wants to continue in policing, is disappointed to find there is currently no available position in the police force there. Elsewhere, Haley and Alex meet up and counsel each other on their boy problems. The Life and Times of Tim season 3 episode 6 s3e6.