Üniversite Seçmeli Dersleri. University Elective Courses. Character Development Karakter Geliştirme. This course will aim to introduce the student to the ancient world and its depiction in cinema and popular TV series. It will mainly concentrate on the Ancient Greek and Roman worlds, but will also deal with representations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. The course Kıbrıs Casino Mechanical Racing Game concentrate both on the reproduction of historical events as well as mythology through cinema. It is not intended as a course on ancient history or mythology per se but will provide historical background on particular periods, literature and events and associated films will be watched in class to shed light on how Kıbrıs Casino Mechanical Racing Game ancient world is represented in cinema. The language of cinema e. Besides popular Hollywood films such as Spartacus, Cleopatra,Clash of the Titans, less mainstream cinematic works such as Passolini? Elektra will also be part of the class screenings where students will be asked to analyse and comment how cinematic adaptations may differ from original texts or historic events and how these may reflect the director? Bu ders antik dünyanın sinema ve popüler TV dizileri aracılığıyla nasıl anlatıldığı hakkında öğrencilere bilgi vermeyi ve bu konuda analitik bakış açısını öğretmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ders genel olarak antik Yunan ve Roma uygarlıklarına vurgu yapsa da, antik Mezopotamya ve Mısır? Ders antik çağ tarihi ve mitolojisi dersi olarak düşünülmemiş olsa da, belirli filmlerin konu ettiği dönemler, tarihi olaylar ve edebi erserler konusunda bilgi verilecek ve ilgili filmler derste izlenerek antik dünyanın sinema? Sinema dili ör. This course is designed to convey knowledge and skills for interpreting short stories and films. It is mainly aimed to develop students? In this regard, it is also aimed to increase critical thinking and intellectual autonomy as well as to develop human values and virtues such as empathy, modesty, and love. Bu ders, kısa öykü ve film yorumlanması için gereken bilgi ve becerilerin aktarılması için tasarlanmıştır. Temel olarak, insan hayatıyla ilgili bazı ahlaki, sosyal, kültürel, cinsel, psikolojik ve felsefik konular hakkında öğrencilerin yorumlama becerilerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, eleştirel düşünce ve entellektüel otonominin artırılması ile empati, tevazu ve sevgi gibi erdemlerin ve insani değerlerin geliştirilmesi de hedeflenmiştir. The course aims to introduce students to the peoples and cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean region, extending from Italy to the Levantine coast and Egypt. Although expansive in its chronological breadth, the course will deal with the basic historical developments in the region, emphasising both the common traits as well as changes observed in the region over time. Kronolojik olarak geniş bir bakış açısı olan derste genel tarihi gelişmelere odaklanılacak, dönemler arası ortak noktalar ve tarihsel gelişim içerisinde doğan farklılıklara değinilecektir. Mythological Stories Mitolojik Hikayeler. This course is intended to introduce the student to the world of Classical mythology. After a brief survey of the civilisations of Greece and Rome, the student will be introduced to the divinites and heroes of these cultures. The course will be comparative in its vision, where mythological motifs such as the creation of the world, the creation of gods, battle of gods, metamorphosis, journey of the hero will be covered. Bu ders Klasik dönem mitolojisine bir giriş dersi olarak tasarlanmıştır. Yunan ve Roma medeniyetlerinin kısa bir özetinden sonra, bu kültürlere ait tanrılar ve kahramanlar tanıtılacaktır. Ders karşılaştırmalı bir bakış açısı içermekte, dünyanın ve tanrıların yaratılışı, tanrıların savaşları, metamorfoz, kahramanın yolculuğu gibi motifler kültürler arası bir şekilde irdelenecektir. This course is designed for students who have been interested in the art of sculpture and who would like start working on it so as to furnish them with basic knowledge on this specific branch of art. Within this context the aim of the course is to supply the beginners with an insight into the whats of sculpture and how to approach it; in other words the aim is to introduce the participants to the specific language of the art. To this aim, during Kıbrıs Casino Mechanical Racing Game to be held in the studio environment the instructor will help the students acquire necessary skills and present them with ways of forming sculptures, transforming what is in the imaginary field into end products i. The course aims to challenge the boundaries of singularities and multipliarity in Design issues according to norms and considerations within different disciplines. It will be tried to resolve mutual awareness in role, importance and influence of? In order to do so, it is expecting to consider design thoughts, processes and practices in accordance with other disciplines, to de-code the transcendental relation amongst.
Personel Detayı
Assoc. Prof. Gökhan Kayhan | AVESİS Öncelikle bu postu Türkçe yazmamın sebebi Kıbrıslı Türk perspektifinden yaşananları daha iyi değerlendirebilmek ve gelin Cumhuriyet'e. Parolin racing kart is a company of Venetian excellence that has been using SprutCAM for several years to program its entire production sector of numerical. University elective Course ListStep into the universe of slots games! The emphasis is on analyzing how culture is made by peoples 1 who are increasingly interconnected as well as distinguished by global webs and flows of communication, 2 who use the repertoire of commodities supplied by the culture industries film, television, music, publishing, advertising, architecture, etc. This course introduces students to the basic techniques that advertising professionals amongst many others use for producing creative ideas that sell. Tüm hakları saklıdır. Therefore, students will be given the opportunity to express opinion, give information, persuade, agree and disagree with their classmates in a real context. All of it, will enrich students?
Ekran Görüntüleri
Gambling behavior in the Turkish Cypriot community. Parolin racing kart is a company of Venetian excellence that has been using SprutCAM for several years to program its entire production sector of numerical. Ayrıca kumar şirketi, Kıbrıs'ta kayıtlı Bettor IO NV'nin. has gone beyond being an activity aimed at. Öncelikle bu postu Türkçe yazmamın sebebi Kıbrıslı Türk perspektifinden yaşananları daha iyi değerlendirebilmek ve gelin Cumhuriyet'e. Glorycasino mobil uygulamasında ya da masaüstünde oynayın empieza gerçek para kazanın. The desire to make Money is seen as the second or third goal.Boost your chances of winning on slot machines with Charms! Bu ders gazetecilerin ve sosyal medya kullanıcılarının yeni rollerini yeni medya teknolojilerinin gazetecilik ve diğer pratikler çerçevesinde etkisini inceleyecektir. Boost your chances of winning with Charms! The course provides an overview of ethical theories and related problems such as privacy, networking, security and reliability. This course offers an overview of the advertising system. Sponsorship course is designed to introduce students to event sponsorship theory and practices, providing students with an understanding of the sponsorship management process as it applies to event management and many IMC campaigns. The language of cinema e. Sociology plays a key role in modern intellectual debates around culture and society in the social sciences. Nöropazarlama verilerinin pazarlama iletişimi ve reklamcılıkda nasıl kullanılabileceği dünyada bu alanda yapılan çalışmalara odaklanarak incelenir. Theories of Mass Communication İletişim Kuramları. Dominos Party - Best Game. Elia, Yonna Friedman, Archigram ve Metabolistler gibi avangard sanarçı ve mimarlar ekseninde gerçekleştirilmektedir. The ability to use of social-netwoks and web 2. Social media has revolutionized communication, business and even the way we interact day to day. Organizational Culture Örgüt Kültürü. Ders, faiz oranlarının rolü, finansal enstitüler ve piyasalar üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Solitaire: Adventure Journey. Bu amaçları gerçekleştirmek için seminerler, farklı kültürlerden misafir konuşmacılar, kültürel içerikli filimler, yabancılarla röportajlar ile ögrenci projeleri, ve de internet ve kütüphanedeki yazılı kaynaklardan yararlanılacaktır. This course will lead students to analyze and design social media planning and management strategies. Besin mikrobiyolojisi, besin kontaminasyonu, besin zehirlenmeleri ve önlenmesi, kişisel hijyen, besin hijyeni, mutfak ve araç-gereç sanitasyonunu sağlanmasına yönelik temel kavramları içermektedir. Bu baglamda, ogrenciler, sinif ortaminda kendi fikirlerini sunma ve savunma, bilgi verme, ikna etme, ve karsi gorus bildirme firsatini bulacaklardir. With the acquisition of study skills to grasp the meaning of communicated messages in their wider social, political and historical contexts, and by dealing with the debates concerning the different conceptualizations and practices of communication from issues related with language, discourse and representation to existing institutions and regulations of telecommunication, the students can expect to cultivate an ethical sense of responsibility concerning their communicative actions. Bu ders, kısa öykü ve film yorumlanması için gereken bilgi ve becerilerin aktarılması için tasarlanmıştır. Elektra will also be part of the class screenings where students will be asked to analyse and comment how cinematic adaptations may differ from original texts or historic events and how these may reflect the director? We will cover traditional media as well as new media. Dersin amacı, acil durum ve afet durumlarında, iç mekânlarda alınması gereken önlemlerin, tahliye sistemleri, koruma. This course asks students to consider how we can manage the beliefs, expectations and associations that gather around a particular brand in order to make it unique and memorable. Over thrilling slot machines - classic slots and jackpot casino slots inspired by real Las Vegas casinos. This course is designed for students who have been interested in the art of sculpture and who would like start working on it so as to furnish them with basic knowledge on this specific branch of art. Fonksiyonel besinlerin, temel besleyici özelliklerinin ötesinde sağlığa olumlu katkıları olan besinlere fonksiyonel besinler adı verilmektedir. This course offers an overview of the field of public relations, the development and maintenance of good relationships with multiple publics, or stakeholders. The course introduces knowledge about free-form futuristic designs after the World War II which have had deeper philosophies regarding to statements about the destruction of cities and transformation of communities after the war.