The Mysteries of Laura. Uygun info. An old friend and the beloved owner of a biker bar is found dead, leading Laura and Jake to return to the site of their first date for the investigation. Meanwhile, the twins have met their match with their new ex-con babysitter, but Laura sends Max on a secret mission to check up on them — just in case. But when surveillance goes awry, the 2nd Precinct team has to delve into the online gaming world to shut down a well-connected killer. Suspects range from supermodels to knock-off peddlers, taking Laura and Billy from the runway to Canal Street and everywhere in between. The son of a prominent art gallery owner is found dead in Koreatown. Meanwhile, an annual mud race creates some friendly competition amongst the detectives of the 2nd precinct. Laura and the team investigate to determine if a religious motive was at play when a couple is found murdered in their apartment. Meanwhile, at home, a familiar if not so friendly face visits Laura and Jake during their search to find a replacement nanny for the boys. The 2nd Precinct detectives are off to the races — horse races, that is, when a fertility doctor goes missing and his wife suspects foul play. Things start heating up for Laura when a potential suspect turns into a serious crush. An act of arson has the detectives investigating the death of a teenage boy. Laura and Jake team up to work undercover, and sparks fly. When a female impersonator is murdered, Laura and the team dive into the raucous New York City drag world. But expectation is turned on its head when it is discovered that the victim was a member of an underground fight club. As Laura takes a trip down memory lane, the team follows a lead into the high-price world of holistic healing. The detectives probe the murder of an intern working at a trendy tech startup. Laura dodges her birthday while probing the murder of a Poker Night 2014 Trailer. Billy is forced to Poker Night 2014 Trailer alongside a headstrong naval investigator. Kathie Lee Gifford Today guest stars as Dr. Carlin, a psychiatrist that assists with the case. The investigation leads the cops into the madness of NCAA basketball. When a murdered club kid is tied to a string of jewel heists in the Diamond District, Laura and the team have to stop a robbery crew to solve a murder. In the season finale, as Jake lies in critical condition, Laura and the team search for his shooter, an assailant armed with a new high-tech weapon. Based on a Spanish series.
Doctor Double X. Erişim tarihi: 11 Mayıs Laura and Jake team up to work undercover, and sparks fly. Erişim tarihi: 29 Mart Oku Değiştir Kaynağı değiştir Geçmişi gör. The Book of Life [ 9 ].
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