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Music composition Also class here: orchestration, musical arrangement, transposition, songwriting 1. Use with: VSY for titles that explain how to prepare for disasters, for example, what to do during an earthquake, or major fire or tsunami, etc Ayrıca bakınız: RNR Doğal felaketler. Use for: works of fiction where a new author continues an established series after the original authors death. Konudaki Resimler. Derleme biyografiler Also class here: Collected obituaries, eulogies, collected biographical notices, collected lives, collected profiles of people, collected life stories or life histories, collected biographical essays from different domains, group biographies, etc. Use for: narrative texts, often at the origin of oral literature, about the origins, creation or founding of a people, a place, a dynasty, a country, a city, or epics, stories and narratives that are an integral part of the worldview of a particular people, or stories that are part of the common history of a particular group.
Şuraya atla:
Mahjong Deluxe 3, Mahjong Magic Journey, Mahjong World Contest (麻将), Make it Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, Slime Rancher, Small Town Terrors. Çünkü index içindeyken CTRL+F yaparak kolayca aradığnızı bulabiliyorsunuz. Hatta normal arama sistemlerinden bile. Bu İndex Ne İşe Yarıyacak? Poker. , , Modification v, View, WDMG, Board, table top and strategy games, Class here: mahjong dogs, TVH, WN, Çiftlik ve yük hayvanları: genel. English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options.Suç ve gizem: kadın dedektifler Use for: Crime or mysteries where the mystery is solved by a woman, and where the woman is the detective, investigator, police officer, or other person who investigates or solves the crime or mystery etc. Aile içi şiddet Also class here: domestic violence, family violence, intimate partner violence, coercive control, gaslighting, master suppression techniques and countermeasures. Use for: romance stories where the main characters initially are thrown together into close proximity for various reason 1. Architectural details, components and motifs Use for: works that examine the individual elements of a building or structure, e. Use for: works that look at the interaction of mental health, social health, emotional health and spiritual wellbeing 1. Fiction: continuations by another Also class here: Continuation novels. Use with: 5X if appropriate 1. Bilim kurgu: yakın gelecek Sınıflandırın: siberpunk, yüksek teknolojiye sahip bir toplumda marjinalize edilmiş ya da değersiz bir hayat sürdüren karakter üzerine kurulmuş bilim kurgular için. Sosyoloji: ölüm ve ölmek Use for: works that examine the relationships between society and death, dying and grief; how societies deal with the end of life and with death; attitudes and taboos around mortality, death and dying; customs, ceremonies and traditions around funerals, death or the dead; how societies deal with grief, bereavement and mourning and the bereaved; death literacy Ayrıca bakınız: VFJX Ölüm ve matemle baş etme , QRVL Religion: death and dying , KNSZ Deathcare and funeral industries. O polis memuruna acayip kıl oldum. Etik konular: Ötenazi ve ölüm hakkı Also class here: assisted suicide, assisted death. Sanat: ekonomik boyutlar Sınıflandırın: sanat satışları, müzayede, fon bulma, patronaj, sponsor. You will also being getting extra discounts on games, indie games, DLC, wallpapers, themes and etc Öne çıkar, anasayfada daha üstte görünsün. These are usually graded by language level and breadth of vocabulary. Fantezi romans, karanlık romans Sınıflandırın: vampir romansları, vb. Just be patient and your code will come through. Use for: Romance or love stories featuring things like, open relationships, polyamorous relationships, polyandry, polyfidelity, consensual non-monogamy or non-exclusive relationships, or stories featuring multiple lovers, partners or romantic interests. Yetişkin ve çağdaş romans Use for: romance stories where the main characters live and work in a world most readers can understand, with modern conveniences and current social mores. Use for: stories set in worlds trying to prevent, or experiencing or that have already been affected by an apocalypse event, such as runaway climate change, an impact event, resource depletion, nuclear holocaust, pandemics, plagues, viruses, the end times, a zombie apocalypse, cybernetic revolts, technological singularity, invasion from space, dysgenics, an electromagnetic pulse EMP , stories of groups of survivors or survival after a catastrophe or cataclysm etc. Brass instruments Also class here: euphoniums, tubas, flugelhorn, sousaphone, bugle, horns, trumpets, cornets, trombones, etc 1. Seramik ve cam: sanat eserleri Sınıflandrın: seramik, mozaik, renkli cam gibi sanat işleri Ayrıca bakınız: WFN Çömlekçilik, seramik ve cam işleri. Like I just picked up a 32 GB for 40 bux. Komedi oyunları Also class here: farce, entremés. Alınması gereken oyun.